Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Preschool Graduation

My baby graduating already. Hopefully it's the first of many graduations- this girl wants to be a missionary, a mommy, an astronaut and a farmer. I love her enthusiasm for life and learning. She is such an amazing girl. She's so generous and will often let others have what they want, even though she wants it too.

Don't forget to check out the videos. There's dancing, singing and mini-speaches!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Dear Brigham,

This month has just gotten away from me. I know, it's your 30th birthday on Memorial day May 30. But it's just so hard. I stupidly assigned myself for this month's sharing times and I'm still getting used to this primary president thing. Then there's Natalynn's dance performance and preschool graduation. Baptisms to get ready for, talks to give. I'm so sorry sweetie. We'll do something next week to celebrate.

But for today, the Stevens' want to go out to dinner with us. You know that Melissa and her pregnancy cravings. She just has to have Red Robin's fries. They're just so good. Thanks for being such a good sport.


We missed a picture with our good friends Sarah and Kyle. We'll have to try and re-create the moment.

Thanks everyone! This night was awesome.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May / Dance performance

"I love you all the way much!" -Bridger


"sauerkraut" is sour cream to Bridger


Bridger is very concerned about rules lately. But to him, you're breaking the law. I often hear, "Is that against the law?" or "No jumping on the couch, it's against the law!"


I've been meeting with the Sister Missionaries every Thursday with some kids in Primary, about to be baptized. Natalynn was jealous, she wanted to see them and see their pretty dresses. When I forgot to notice what they were wearing she was very disappointed with me. So the next week I arranged for them to teach us. When I told Natalynn that they wanted to come to our house she stopped dead in her tracks and said, "So I can see then up close?"

Then later, we were eating ice cream cones (or "pine cones" if you're Bridger), and Bridger said, "Maybe we can give pine cones to the missionaries!" Natalynn's response was, "They'll think we're, like, famous!!"


Bridger made up a joke: What does a mommy say to a child? Hello Mr. Squishy Face!


This month has been crazy busy. We were able to watch another wonderful dance performance, this time to the "ABC's"

Catch the video on Vimeo:


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chinnie's talk

Chinnie wrote this talk and gave it today in Primary:

I love Jesus. He got us all this stuff. I know Jesus because I read the Book of Mormon. Jesus is my best friend. Jesus loves everyone, and so do I. The Book of Mormon is true. I'm going to be righteous.

My favorite story in the Book of Mormon is King Noah and Abinadi. Abinadi taught about Jesus. Alma listened to Abinadi. Because Alma learned about Jesus Christ, he baptized people. I love the Book of Mormon.

By Natalynn.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

On another note, Brigham asked Bridger what he wanted to talk about this afternoon. He said, "I want to talk about chicks.......and lucky doggy." (his stuffed animals) Lets wait a few years before he wants to talk about girl chicks.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Cardboard Bread

The cheapest bread from Winco tastes like cardboard but Chinnie wanted it anyways despite my warning. Then she changed her mind "Can you eat the rest of my cardboard sandwich?"

Chinnie: "Do you know what air is? It's the earth's breath."

Bridger: Where is that airplane going?
April: To the airport
Bridger: Is that where they make air?

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