Monday, May 30, 2011

Dear Brigham,

This month has just gotten away from me. I know, it's your 30th birthday on Memorial day May 30. But it's just so hard. I stupidly assigned myself for this month's sharing times and I'm still getting used to this primary president thing. Then there's Natalynn's dance performance and preschool graduation. Baptisms to get ready for, talks to give. I'm so sorry sweetie. We'll do something next week to celebrate.

But for today, the Stevens' want to go out to dinner with us. You know that Melissa and her pregnancy cravings. She just has to have Red Robin's fries. They're just so good. Thanks for being such a good sport.


We missed a picture with our good friends Sarah and Kyle. We'll have to try and re-create the moment.

Thanks everyone! This night was awesome.


April said...

And just because this is my journal I wanted to record a little Brigham quote from facebook: I have the absolute greatest friends and family I appreciate all of you so much. Also I couldn't have married a better woman, she is just such a great woman, I am so lucky to have her in my life. Also, not because they should be last, but two of the best kids I know. Once again thanks to all.

Leslie Davies said...

Awe! Looks like you guys had such a great time! I'm sad we couldn't be there!

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