Wednesday, October 1, 2008

9 Months Old

Bridger is 9 Months old!
He is 19 pounds and 28 inches long. Weight percentile is 30%, length is 54% and head circumference is 90%.

I had a rude awakening at his doctor's appointment. He said Bridger should be eating crackers and cheerios. I looked at him like he was crazy. He'll choke! This doctor is not allowing me to believe that my boy is still a baby. If I had my way he'd be 3 months old still.

Some firsts that have happened the last few days, much to my dismay:
- cheerios (take away his cheerio and his heart will break)
- bread pieces (diddo)
- sippy cup (he loved it)
- top tooth (his third)
- time biting mommy (I screamed, he cried.)
- mashed avocado (he barfed. twice.)
- cake (Kyles birthday!)
- cookie pieces (so much for nutrition)

1 comment:

Christy said...

Way to go Bridger! Cheerios were my kids favorite! Unfortunately they no longer like them. There is such thing as 'too much of a good thing'. It's a good idea to break them into cookies and cake, lets them know that food can be enjoyable! Besides who would like to have a diet that consists of mashed up, bland yuck? Eat dessert first, that's my motto!

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