Monday, November 24, 2008

The Good, the Bad, and the Candy

Three cute things Chinnie said today:
1. She has a few dimes, which she gives to me in an "email"
2. She got a taffy for using the potty. She looked down at it and said, "Hi candy. I missed you candy."
3. She had a runny nose, and I told her to go get a tissue. She proceeded to wipe her nose with the back of her hand and rubbed it into her hands. I told her how very gross that was and she said, "No, it's lotion." We had a long talk about how snot is definitely NOT lotion.

Bridger is excitedly learning how to go down the stairs. I will soon videotape how he can't decide if he should go feet first or sitting sideways and plopping down each step. The best part is how he trembles with excitement and giggles. He'll go up a few steps just so he can come back down.

1 comment:

Melissa and Mike said...

Ha, ha, ha, oh my gosh Chinnie is hilarious the whole lotion thing cracked me up!! Kenna asked me what I was laughing about and I had to fib a little and tell her I was laughing at the "I missed you candy" story instead---that was pretty funny too! =0)

cutest blog on the block