Being a parent is hard. I have great kids and it's still hard. We've been taking a great parenting class. It's all about the feel-good, boost-your-child's-self-esteem, western parenting stuff. I agreed with it.
Then I started reading Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother. It's about the super strict, force-them-to-achieve-so-they-can-boost-their-own-self-esteem, goal oriented, chinese style parenting. I agreed with it.
How do I decide which style to favor when they are so opposite? I like them both. Do I just go straight down the center?
The answer came during church. Christ is our teacher, our leader. Do what He would do. Simple. Be an example. He always used open, honest, loving communication. He taught and persuaded instead of commanding and ordering. Above all, He served, He loved.