Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Background info: In Garfield, the Movie, Garfield says to John, "you're not only my owner, you're my primary caregiver." Today Bridger said, "You're not only my owner, you're my primary president!"

He's so curious about everything! He wants to know what makes cars stop and go. How the vacuum works. What that part on the mop does. How do DVDs work. I really don't know, but he sparks my curiosity as well.

Today I was diverting my thoughts away from surgery by vacuuming and mopping. Bridger was my super super helper. He said, "it's's like we're friends and we help each other!" I love this boy and the way he can help me look beyond my problems and see what really matters. The trivial things in life doesn't matter as much our relationships, and the time we spend with them. Love you Bridger Boy.

"As I get older then I can get glasses, right?" As I? Why does he speak so well sometimes, but he still says "amn' t"? I love hearing him say "I amn't going to..."

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